Sunday, May 17, 2020

Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively - 995 Words

13/9/2012 Developing Management Skills Learning Objectives Chapter 3: Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively †¢ Increase proficiency in analytic problem solving †¢ Recognize personal conceptual blocks †¢ Enhance creativity by overcoming conceptual blocks †¢ Foster innovation among others 3-1 1 3-2 2 A Model of Problem Solving A Model of Problem Solving †¢ Step 1: Define the Problem – – – – – – – †¢ Step 2: Generate Alternative Solutions – – Differentiate fact from opinion Specify underlying causes Tap everyone involved for information State the problem explicitly Identify what standard is violated Determine whose problem it is Avoid stating the problem as a disguised solution†¦show more content†¦Quantity before quality 4. Build on ideas of others 3-33 33 Morphological Synthesis 3-34 34 Relational Algorithm 1. The problem is written down 2. Attributes of the problem are listed 3. Alternatives to each attribute are listed 4. Different alternatives from the attributes are combined 3-35 35 Applying connecting words that force a relationship between two elements in a problem. 3-36 36 6 13/9/2012 A Model of Analytic and Creative Problem Solving Hints to Facilitate Creative Problem Solving †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Give yourself relaxation time Find a place where you can think Talk to other people about ideas Ask other people for their suggestions about your problems †¢ Read a lot †¢ Protect yourself from idea-killers Insert figure 3.10 3-37 37 Three Principles for Fostering Creativity 3-38 38 Enabling Creativity in Others 1. Pull people apart; put people together 2. Monitor and prod 3. Reward multiple roles 3-39 39 3-40 40 Behavioral Guidelines Behavioral Guidelines †¢ Follow the four-step procedure for analytical decision-making †¢ Employ the four types of creative decision-making †¢ Implement steps to overcome conceptual blocks †¢ Use techniques to elaborate the problem definition †¢ Foster creativity among those with whom you work 3-41 41 3-42 42Show MoreRelatedDeveloping New And Innovative Programs For Educators1217 Words   |  5 Pagesproperly prepare students for technological, cultural, economic, informational, and demographic changes. The ASCD boils down 21st century skills into a few key areas. Firstly, the ASCD stresses students be able to properly think both creatively, as well as analytically. The ASCD makes a point to ensure students are taught how to properly use technology to gather, analyze, and synthesize information for application in a global economy. 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